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    World of Quest
    Saison 2
    Ma note :
    World of Quest


    Infos saison

    13 épisodes
    Diffusée à partir de : 2009
    Ron Pardo
    Ron Pardo
    Rôle : Quest, Graer, Shadowseed, Khaos, additional voices
    Landon Norris
    Landon Norris
    Rôle : Nestor
    James Rankin
    James Rankin
    Rôle : Lord Spite, Kalamity, additional voices
    Kedar Brown
    Kedar Brown
    Rôle : Gatling, General Ogun, Konfusion, additional voices
    Les épisodes de la saison 2
    The Search for Deceit/Mystical Tooth Fairy
    S02E01 - The Search for Deceit/Mystical Tooth Fairy
    Robin Hood of Odyssia/The Tell Tale Tale Teller
    S02E02 - Robin Hood of Odyssia/The Tell Tale Tale Teller
    The Crusades/Little Troll Down the Lane
    S02E03 - The Crusades/Little Troll Down the Lane
    Mirror Quest/Leaper Island
    S02E04 - Mirror Quest/Leaper Island
    Musta Been Something Graer Ate/The Great Rutabaga Depress
    S02E05 - Musta Been Something Graer Ate/The Great Rutabaga Depress
    There's something about Gatling/The Tow
    S02E06 - There's something about Gatling/The Tow
    Katastrophic Storm/World of Water
    S02E07 - Katastrophic Storm/World of Water
    Molting Graer/The Body Switch
    S02E08 - Molting Graer/The Body Switch
    Guardian Match/No Way Out
    S02E09 - Guardian Match/No Way Out
    Happy Birthday Nestor/Take a Chance
    S02E10 - Happy Birthday Nestor/Take a Chance
    Witches of Odyssia/War of the Vegivours
    S02E11 - Witches of Odyssia/War of the Vegivours
    Bizarro Graer/Unlikely Alliance
    S02E12 - Bizarro Graer/Unlikely Alliance
    The Prince and the Taupere/Strange Bedfellows
    S02E13 - The Prince and the Taupere/Strange Bedfellows

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