Mon compte
    Police Story
    Saison 4
    Ma note :
    Police Story

    Infos saison

    22 épisodes
    Chaîne d'origine : NBC
    Diffusée à partir de : 1976
    Dane Clark
    Dane Clark
    Rôle : Detective Lieutenant David Harman
    Joe Santos
    Joe Santos
    Rôle : Sally Pickles
    Les épisodes de la saison 4
    Payment Deferred
    S04E01 - Payment Deferred
    Bought and Paid For
    S04E02 - Bought and Paid For
    Two Frogs on a Mongoose
    S04E03 - Two Frogs on a Mongoose
    The Other Side of the Badge
    S04E04 - The Other Side of the Badge
    Three Days to Thirty
    S04E05 - Three Days to Thirty
    Trash Detail, Front and Center
    S04E06 - Trash Detail, Front and Center
    S04E07 - Thanksgiving
    Monster Manor
    S04E08 - Monster Manor
    Oxford Gray
    S04E09 - Oxford Gray
    The Jar (1)
    S04E10 - The Jar (1)
    The Jar (2)
    S04E11 - The Jar (2)
    Trial Board
    S04E12 - Trial Board
    S04E13 - Spitfire
    Nightmare on a Sunday Morning
    S04E14 - Nightmare on a Sunday Morning
    The Malflores
    S04E15 - The Malflores
    The Blue Fog
    S04E16 - The Blue Fog
    Hard Rock Brown
    S04E17 - Hard Rock Brown
    End of the Line
    S04E18 - End of the Line
    One of Our Cops Is Crazy
    S04E19 - One of Our Cops Is Crazy
    Ice Time
    S04E20 - Ice Time
    The Six Foot Stretch
    S04E21 - The Six Foot Stretch
    Prime Rib
    S04E22 - Prime Rib

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